7th International Conference on Innovation in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICIECE-2018)
The first six International Conferences (ICIECE – 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017) were successfully conducted with more than 1400 delegates from India & abroad. In addition to large number of research papers received from India, around 80 research papers were received from across the global including USA, UK, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Malaysia, Japan & so on. Around 25 Delegates/Participants participated in the conference from abroad every year.
The aim of the International Conference on ""Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering"" (ICIECE-2018) is to provide an opportunity for researchers, scientists, technocrats, academicians and engineers to exchange their innovative ideas and research findings in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering. The conference will provide interactive platform for the personnel, participants and other delegates from the academic and industry segments across India and globe to share their research experience, experiment break through or vision-trends in the following broad areas and beyond.
Call for Contributions:
Papers are invited for presentation and publication in proceedings of the conference in the following areas:
Signal Processing
Embedded Systems
Antenna / Microwave
Papers will be published in Conference Proceedings with Springer. Other peer reviewed papers will be published in the special issue of “International Journal of Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJIECE)” with ISSN: 2249-9946 (www. innovationjournals.com) in Volume No. 8 & Issue No. 1& 2.
NOTE: Scanned copy of transaction receipt should be mailed to iciece2018@gmail.com mentioning the Paper ID, Title and Author name without which the registration may not be complete.
Guidelines for Abstract and Manuscript Originality:
Articles, papers and case studies submitted for publication must be original and should not be under consideration for publishing in any other journals or accepted for presentation in any other conference.
Full paper with abstract must be prepared as per Springer format. The abstract should be limited to 150 words and the length of the paper shall not exceed 6 pages including abstract to be submitted in “word“ and “pdf ” formats at iciece2018@gmail.com .
Registration: Submit your papers at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iciece2018 and Scanned copy of transaction receipt should be mailed to iciece2018@gmail.com mentioning the Paper ID, Title and Author name without which the registration may not be complete.
Registration fee: Please follow the link http://iciece2018.org/registration_fees.php for registration fee.
Important Dates:
Paper submissions: 2nd June, 2018
Notification of acceptance: 3rd July 2018
Final paper submission: 10th July, 2018
Last Date for registration: 17th July, 2018
Conference Dates: 27th - 28th July, 2018
Conference Venue:
Guru Nanak Insitutions,
Ibrahimpatnam, R. R. Dist-501506,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Organizing by: Department of ECE, Guru Nanak Institutions
For more information click on “Brochure” button and click on the “Register” button to go to the registration details.
About Guru Nanak Institutions and ICIECE-2018
About Gurunanak Institutions:
GNI is one of the premier Institutions in the City, developed into gateway of knowledge, research and inspiration. The institution offers graduate and post graduate courses over 7 discipline of Engineering. MBA & Pharmacy. Around 9000 students from all over the country and more than 200 international students from various countries are part of the academics. 700 plus strong team of faculty members are imparting academic instructions through Research and Innovation. The Infrastructure includes separate building for every department, residential accommodation for more than 1200 boys/ girls and teaching fraternity. The ambience of campus is serene and pristine. The academic blocks are inter spaced with vast green patches of lawns giving soothing and rejuvenating atmosphere.
GNI Decode IT Park (Digital Engineering Center for offshore and Domestic Enterprises) is India’s First IT Park within our Institution campus providing Part Time Employment to Current Students from First year to Final year and Full time Employment to Passed-out Engineers.
The Institution has been awarded “Best Place to Innovate” in UXINDIA-13 International Conference, at IIM Banglore, “Excellent Innovative Institute in AP” award by Consortium of Communication Media and Infrastructure CCMAI and “Award of Excellence”
The aim of the International Conference on ""Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering"" (ICIECE-2018) is to provide an opportunity for researchers, scientists, technocrats, academicians and engineers to exchange their innovative ideas and research findings in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering. The conference will provide interactive platform for the personnel, participants and other delegates from the academic and industry segments across India and globe to share their research experience, experiment break through or vision-trends in the following broad areas and beyond.
Disclaimer: All the above data is gathered from ICIECE-2018, all the logos and titles are belongs to ICIECE-2018, EngMorph does not own any part of the data published in this page and EngMorph is not responsible for the correctness of the information presented. For more information, visit the ICIECE-2018 website.