Finite Element Method/Analysis
Basic to Most Advanced Articles about Finite Element Method and Analysis which will help you to understand Concepts in depth.
Upcoming Articles
Jacobian Ratio Calculation
Maximum Corner Angle
Orthogonal Quality
Parallel Deviation
Difference between h & P Methods
Errors in Finite Element
Blender Learning Series

Animation Industry is one of the Fast growing Industries in the world, which not only making films but also creating Exciting Career Opportunities.
Blender is a Powerful Opensource 3D Modeling and Animation software which most of the Studios in the world are using now. We pick the Blender to make you feel its rich taste.
Open Source CAE
“Open-source CAE tools are becoming increasingly popular due to their flexibility, freedom to use, and vast developer and user community. In this section, we bring you the details of the best open-source CAE tools/software to carry out finite element analysis.”