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3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2018)

3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2018)

Conference Dates: 18th to 21st December, 2018

3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2018)

The conference, 3rd SEEC, will be organized to promote research and outreach program in India and abroad through scientific deliberations like keynote addresses, oral and poster presentations. The 3rd SEEC will bring together engineers, scientists, researchers, students, managers and other professionals in order to address and discuss emerging sustainable energy and environmental issues. It will provide platforms for physicist, mathematicians, chemists, engineers and biologist for critical discussion in key areas of energy and environmental sciences. Energy and Environmental sciences research should contribute to understand the major problems in recent days arising due to extensive agriculture, industrial, municipal, transportation, urbanization activities together with climate change in developing countries.


International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (ISEES) The International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability was founded at IIT Kanpur in January, 2014 with an aim to spread knowledge in the fields of Energy, Environment, Sustainability and Combustion. The Society aims to spread knowledge in the above mentioned areas among people and make them more aware about the environmental challenges which the world is facing today.


Call for Papers: Following are the theme Areas of the conference.

  • Atomization and Sprays

  • Solar Energy

  • Coal and Biomass gasification

  • I.C. Engines

  • Gas Turbines

  • Biomass to Fuels/ Chemicals

  • Waste to Wealth

  • Environmental Protection and Sustainability

  • Waste Water Remediation

  • Fundamentals of Combustion

  • Energy Saving Light-Emitting Materials

  • Bio Materials


Format of Abstract/Full Paper and Submission:

The maximum limit for the extended abstract is 4 pages. A sample MS-Word file of the extended abstract is available in the following link:


Online users can create easy chair account for Extender abstract/paper submission, if user has existing account, same can be used for paper submission on the following link.


Registration Fee: (Before Oct31st, 2018/After Oct 31st, 2018)


ISEES Members (Indian::Foreign): INR5000::USD200/INR6000::USD250

Non-ISEES Members (Indian::Foreign): INR6000::USD250/INR7000::USD300


Student Memebrs:

ISEES Members (Indian::Foreign): INR4000::USD150/INR5000::USD200

Non-ISEES Members (Indian::Foreign): INR5000::USD200/INR6000::USD250


Industry Representatives:

Indian::Foreign: INR7000::USD300/INR11000::USD400

Workshop (Indian::Foreign): INR500::USD25/INR1000::USD50


Important Dates:

Last date for abstract submission: 31st October, 2018

Last date for early bird registration: 31st October, 2018

Conference Dates: 18th to 21st December, 2018


Conference Venue:

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India.


Convener: Dr. Kaushil Pal

Convener (IITR), 3rd SEEC

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Joint Faculty, Centre of Nanotechnology

IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India.

Tel: +91-1332-284761(Landline)



For more information on Registration dates, Topics of the conference, Abstract and Full Paper submission, Conference Fees and other details click on the ""Brochure/Website"" button below.

About 3rd SEEC and IIT Roorkee

SEEC and ISEES: The International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability was founded at IIT Kanpur in January, 2014 with an aim to spread knowledge in the fields of Energy, Environment, Sustainability and Combustion.

In this changing environmental scenario, the time has come where more emphasis has to be laid on renewable energy resources. Moreover, in this dynamic scenario of swelling competition and reducing profits, staying environmentally responsible can be extremely challenging for any organization. More efficient systems have to be developed to meet the increasing energy demands keeping in mind its environmental impact. People have to become more aware and concerned about the environmental challenges which the world is facing today to make it a better place for us and our future generations.

The Society aims to spread knowledge in the above mentioned areas among people and make them more aware about the environmental challenges which the world is facing today. The Society is involved in various activities like conducting workshops, seminars, conferences, etc. in the above mentioned domains. The society also recognizes young scientists and engineers for their contributions in this field. It comprises of experts from leading research institutions working in various domains related to energy.


IIT Roorkee: Indian Institute of Technology - Roorkee is among the foremost of institutes of national importance in higher technological education and in engineering, basic and applied research. Since its establishment, the Institute has played a vital role in providing the technical manpower and know-how to the country and in pursuit of research. The Institute ranks amongst the best technological institutions in the world and has contributed to all sectors of technological development. It has also been considered a trend-setter in the area of education and research in the field of science, technology, and engineering.

Disclaimer: All the above data is gathered from SEEC-2018, all the logos and titles are belongs to SEEC-2018, EngMorph does not own any part of the data published in this page and EngMorph is not responsible for the correctness of the information presented. For more information, visit the SEEC-2018 website.

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